Hating other women is a toxic, vicious circle that we are taught from childhood. Girls ganging up on other girls, girls bringing other girls down and hostility towards other girls is so damaging and something I wish I could take back.
I have never set out to bully or victimize another woman but as a teenager, there were other women I was jealous of who were falsely accused and put into certain categories all because a group of girls didn’t like one another. It’s so damaging to not just have men judge you but for other women to judge as well and part of me believes that there are a lot more women out there who judge other women than there are men.
Women can be vicious towards other women and I am not exempt from this, I have been jealous of other women and judged them harshly. It’s a cycle I feel like we all need to get out of, as women we should be pushing one another up and helping each other out. No, you aren’t going to love every woman you come across but it is so wrong to judge another woman, especially when we get taught to do it from being young.
When you’re a teenage everything feels amplified, hatred, love, jealousy, heartache and even friendships so I want to extend a hand of apology to any woman I wrongly judged, accused and hated when I didn’t know any facts and was acting out on emotion and the strive to be liked by my peers.
Women should bring other women up and create a generation of strong women who love one another. Forgive one another for our wrongdoings and learn from our past failures.
I think it’s kind of expected of women to hate other women not in their friend group (and even sometimes inside their friend group!) we are told women are catty, bitchy, jealous, competitive, bossy and all manner of other things, we are taught that from being young and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, being competitive is human nature but it isn’t because I compete against another woman it’s because I want to win and it’s so toxic for us to be taught to hate other women for their successes instead of giving a round of applause and complementing them on their success.
We all judge one another so harshly, men and women but it’s time to become aware of this and forgive one another and be more aware of what we are saying and how we are judging someone, especially other women.
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