My girlfriend has been acting strangely lately. It seems once she found out about my hot friends foot fetish she has been doing everything she can to flirt with him and use her feet to seduce him. I don’t know what to do or what is going on.
True Sex Stories
If you're looking for 100% real erotic sex stories then welcome to one of the best erotic story blogs on the internet. This is where we store every one of our stories so you don't have to use categories.
Giving My Man A Footjob Under The Table At A Family Gathering
My boyfriend loves feet, he has a foot fetish and I like to make him utterly satisfied and so when I gave him a sneaky foot job under his parents table I didn’t expect him to cum quite so quickly.
I’m a Girl Who Loves Being Fisted (Help!)
I have a problem. I love to be stretched out and fisted, enjoying every moment and every inch but I can’t find a man who isn’t freaked out by it nor who can do it quite as well as I can. I need advice and somewhere to share my fisting experience so far.
My first creampie in public (There was nowhere else for it to go)
My boyfriend and I live at home and never get any time together. We were on a long walk yesterday and decided to have some fun, it got a bit intense and lead to him giving me my first…
Sleeping with An Indian Milf (I Messed Up)
I wanted to share what just happened to me. I started having an affair with my indian friends mom and it’s gone really far, we’ve started sleeping together every day.
Pegging Husband For The First Time
Lots of men would never let a woman anywhere near their butt and that sucks. I’ve been getting my man to open up to pegging slowly and finally I had success and got him to…
Wife locks husband in chastity for a girly weekend away
Planned a girly weekend away with lots of sun, sea and sex, the only thing is my husband has to stay at home locked up in his chastity.
Having A Threesome With An Indian Couple
I’ve lived in india for over a year and in that time I’ve met a few amazing couples who have asked me to their bedrooms, this is what happened when I said yes to one couple.
Giving My Hubby The Best Pegging Orgasm Of His Life (My Trick)
How I gave my man the best pegging orgasm of his life, it only took a little technique and he just kept cumming.
Indian Girl Trying Anal For The First Time
I’ve wanted to try anal sex for a while now, the only thing holding me back was guilt of being judged. I recently let go of that guilt and decided to finally commit to exploring myself sexually.
My Indian wife wanted to cuckold me
My wife and I our both from india and recently my wife has warmed to the idea of being shared with another man, not just any man, one of my best friends.
Unlocking My Sissy Cum Cravings
What would it take to unlock your cum cravings? How hard would it really be, I decided to find out.
I gave 8 blowjobs tonight
I have always loved giving blowjobs and over the years I’ve become a master at them. I try to suck my boyfriends cock at least once a day and in doing that I’ve picked up some amazing technique. Well it was time for me to showcase my skills with some other guys and not just my boyfriend.
Finding out my wife was the center of a gangbang
I just found out that my wife was the center of a gangbang. I was not with her at the time, but it’s created a weird feeling for me, not sure what to do now?
Our First Amateur Gangbang
What does it really feel like to share your wife with multiple men in a gangbang? Seeing her lose herself in the lust and seeing a side of your wife you never thought was there. Could you handle it?
Trying to impregnate my sissy
I’ve been breaking in a few sissies recently and I decided it would be a fun game if I tried to impregnate my favorite sissy, this was a big deal and it mattered which one I picked.
My first girl on girl sex experience (She turned me)
This woman turned me into a pussy-loving slut. I didn’t know I was interested in women until I met her and she completely rocked and changed my world for the better, showing me things I had never experienced or felt before.
The most cum I’ve had inside me
I have never had so much cum inside me before and it felt unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s one of the hardest things to explain, but I’ll try…
Going On A Cuckold Vacation
I’ve always wanted to share my wife, but just never had the confidence to do it in our home country, so we took a plane to see if it made things easier.
Using A fuck Machine To Peg My Husband For Hours
I’ve always wanted to give my man the best he can get and recently I decided to get a sex machine so I could have it peg him while I play and seduce the rest of his body.
This Sissy Training Really Worked
It’s time to start your training and see how I converted my husband into a cum loving sissy one day at a time.
Sex with mother in law (Don’t know what to do)
I read a story on her before about cheating and I decided to write my own. I’ve been in a bit of a sticky situation with my in-laws and it ended with my mother in law making a move on me, it’s way more common than I knew before. The problem is I took the bait and then this happened…
My Hot Stepmom Has A Crush On Me
I have n idea what to do, my stepmom came onto me and we had sex and it’s completely messed up my life. I just can’t say no to her and I think she’s about to tell.
What Femdom Pegging Really Feels Like
I am a femdom and I’m so excited to say that I’ve finally got my big manly husband to try pegging and it really changed everything.
I’m My Ex’s Chastity Keyholder and I Keep Him Locked Up
I have broked up with my ex and ever since he asked me to lock him in a cock cage and look after the key. It’s so funny, I keep his cock locked up and decide when he cums (which is never, haha).